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Funding available for Robin programming.

At Robin, we believe in equitable learning for all students and work to ensure our product meets the requirements for many federal funding sources. Learn how Robin programming can be funded by Titles I, II, and IV of ESSA, IDEA and other state and local funding sources. As always we are here to support you to find and apply for all available funding and sponsorship opportunities


In response to COVID-19, the U.S. Congress passed the CARES Act, CRRSA Act and ARP Act providing almost $200 billion in emergency education funding, channeled for public schools mainly through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER Fund). State awards for the ESSER Funds, rounds I, II and III, are in the same proportion that each state receives under Title I, Part A.

How Robin Aligns To ESSER I, II, III
  • Robin’s innovative live coaching and real-world curriculum supports the social, emotional, and mental health of the entire school ecosystem in a Tier I approach to aid in the school-wide recovery and development following the pandemic.
  • Robin specifically addresses school connectedness, and the loss of such due to COVID-19, through the implementation of evidence-based interventions.
  • Robin provides Interactive Adult Coaching Experiences to help teachers care for their own mental well-being which may have been affected due to the pandemic. Further, Robin’s instructional resources support educators as they navigate students’ social, emotional, and mental health concerns and setbacks due to the pandemic.
  • Because Robin’s interactive, online real-world curriculum can be accessed at any time, the content can be utilized in a multitude of settings, including in core academic classes, remote, whole-class, hybrid learning, enrichment, intervention, after-school, and summer enrichment programs.

Title I, Part A.

The largest source of federal funding to schools is from Title I, providing over $16 billion to schools that serve a high number or high percentage of children from low-income families to ensure that these children are able to meet challenging state academic standards.

How Robin Aligns To Title I, Part A
  • With a focus on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making, Robin's comprehensive program teaches skills that have been proven to drive better academic outcomes for students by improving instructional classroom time and reducing distractions. Further, Robin has been shown to significantly improve school climate and social connectedness.
  • Robin’s curriculum helps all students achieve proficiency on challenging state academic standards by building 21st century learning skills.
  • Robin’s mission to equip every student with the skills, habits, and mindsets to cope with life’s challenges is implemented in a schoolwide Tier 1 model to prevent and address problem behavior and provide early intervention services.
  • Robin supports Title I teachers by providing training, resources, and educational content for social-emotional learning that complement CASEL standards.

Title I, Part D.

The goal of Title I, Part D is preventing at-risk youth from dropping out of school and to help children and youth returning from correctional facilities or institutions for neglected or delinquent children and youth with a support system to ensure their continued education and the involvement of their families and communities. The US Department of Education funds $48 million toward this initiative.

How Robin Aligns To Title I, Part D
  • Robin’s curriculum is designed to meet children and youth where they are to build healthy habits, skills, and mindsets; the fundamental building blocks needed to achieve the goals of Title I Part D for at-risk youth.
  • Robin supports Title I Part D teachers and staff by providing training, resources, and educational content for social-emotional learning that follows CASEL guidance.
  • Robin’s coaches provide at-risk youth with a safe, supportive space where students can think and talk about their mental well-being. Robin’s coaches are accomplished leaders in their fields – including business, nursing, sports psychology, psychiatry, arts, and education – but also people who build trust and connect with students to lead meaningful discussions and provide much needed mentorship.
  • Robin’s evidence-based techniques do not just focus on the social and emotional health of children and youth; Robin builds the social and emotional competencies of families and faculty as well. By supporting these key figures in a youth’s life, we are able to strengthen each youth’s support system.

Title II.

Title II is focused on preparing, training, and recruiting high quality teachers and principals. With a focus on increasing student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher quality, Title II funds professional development activities that are sustained, intensive, collaborative, job-embedded, data-driven, and classroom-focused.

How Robin Aligns To Title II
  • Robin’s Interactive Adult Coaching Experiences reduce educator burnout, teaching educators to care for their own mental well-being.
  • Robin supports teachers and staff by providing training, resources, and educational content for an evidence-based social-emotional learning curriculum that complements CASEL’s school-wide SEL implementation guidance. Further, Robin collaborates with schools and districts to customize SEL programming to address specific mental health and professional development needs.
  • Robin understands the demands and time constraints of educators. As a result, professional development training is comprehensive, yet efficient, asynchronous, and can be delivered online making for a flexible and effective training experience.
  • Robin provides a highly scripted yet flexible tool-kit to teachers so that they can easily and successfully implement the curriculum with confidence.

Title IV.

Title IV is a block grant that provides over $1 billion in funding to school safety, well-rounded education, and educational technology initiatives. Under the CARES Act, these funds can now be used to fund any of these three priorities: providing students with a well-rounded education, maintaining student health and safety, and purchasing and implementing education technology and systems.

How Robin Aligns To Title IV
  • Robin’s digital tools provide a fully integrated digital learning platform that is housed in the Canvas learning management system.
  • Robin utilizes a unique educational social digital platform, The 30-Day Challenge, for students to practice healthy mental and social habits on a daily basis. The 30-Day Challenge is focused solely on positivity and works to reduce anxiety, improve positive mindset, and increase social connectedness.
  • With topics such as empathy, compassion, analyzing information and facts, decision making, and building mental flexibility, Robin brings well-rounded, education initiatives to life for students in a way that is applicable both in and out of the classroom.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law ensuring students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate public education. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to eligible infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. Second only in size to Title I funds, school districts receive IDEA funds to help pay for the cost of providing services and education to children with disabilities.

How Robin Aligns To IDEA
  • Robin’s online curriculum accommodates a variety of learning differences, providing the ability to access the materials auditorily through video lessons or visually through guided responses. Students with writing challenges are accommodated through video responses. Self-paced lessons enable students to work on modules at their own speed.
  • Robin’s flexible online SEL curriculum can be implemented in an inclusive learning environment. A detailed onboarding process assesses the needs of schools in order to ensure each classroom’s specific challenges are addressed and supported.
  • Robin’s enrichment programs build inclusive, tolerant learning communities grounded in culturally responsive content and equitable learning activities.

There are a myriad of funding opportunities available to fund Robin’s innovative SEL programming. If your district or school needs support in navigating how to find and apply for funding and sponsorship opportunities, please do not hesitate to reach out to

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