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Kathleen Young.

With a Master’s in Special Education, Kathleen is an award-winning educator. After working in public, private and special education settings for more than 20 years, she served on the Management Team at a startup Middle School. Her passion is the well-being of students, adults and families in every school community.

With a Master’s in Special Education, Kathleen is an award-winning educator. After working in public, private and special education settings for more than 20 years, she served on the Management Team at a startup Middle School. Her passion is the well-being of students, adults and families in every school community.

Kathleen started out as a counselor for emotionally struggling and runaway youth. As a teacher, she initiated and implemented Mindfulness Programs into school communities. Students learned social emotional skills- including active listening- through circle discussions in her classes. Kathleen ran yoga, laughter yoga and mindfulness clubs for students. She actively contributed to Wellness and Resiliency Committees for faculty/staff.

As a Program Coordinator and mediator for the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Kathleen facilitated dialogue among parents, students, faculty and administrators. Most recently, she founded The Cultivating Happier Schools Project. She believes that schools must be happy places, nurtured through the prioritization of wellness, individual purpose and intentionally strong connections.

Kathleen is the founder of Aurora Lights Coaching. As an experienced coach, trainer and mediator, she loves helping schools become their happiest, greatest selves.

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