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Sara Kaviar.

Sara is the Director of Curriculum and Innovation at Seven Arrows School. Sara works directly with students teaching them to use their minds critically, collaboratively, and creatively. She also supports teachers and administrators in designing engaging projects that stimulate innovation and design thinking, as well as foster resilience through the iterative process. As a Robin coach, Sara teaches the entire community the strengths and pitfalls of technology and social media and how we can approach our usage in a thoughtful, balanced way.

Sara Kaviar is the Director of Curriculum and Innovation at Seven Arrows School, an independent K-6 school in Pacific Palisades, California.

With a B.A. in Communication from Stanford University, Sara spent two decades in the post production of documentaries, commercials, television, and feature films, pioneering the use of innovative technologies to enhance the creativity and productivity of filmmakers. During these years, Sara mentored many young filmmakers and college students.

As an educator with a Master’s degree in Education, Sara has worked with elementary and middle school students, teaching them to use their minds critically, collaboratively, and creatively. Her personal approach with students supports their academic growth, resilience, and self-confidence. Through Sara’s highly motivating practices integrating technology in the classroom, her students learn to engage with the world as active 21st century learners, with a solid understanding of digital citizenship.

As a facilitator of professional development, Sara supports teachers and administrators in the mindful use of technology tools to enhance learning, increase student motivation, and support teachers’ best practices. She helps teachers design engaging projects that stimulate innovation and design thinking, as well as foster resilience through the iterative process. She has led nationally attended workshops in Design Thinking and the integration of Makerspaces into multiple subject areas. Her curriculum has been featured on the Teaching Channel as well as in publications and websites featuring innovative teaching practices.

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