Robin Founder & CEO Sonny Thadani welcomed Robin Coach Marshall Davis Jones to our July 13th IG Live to perform on of his favorite poems, Something to Tell Time. A celebrated spoken word artist and Founder of MindBodySpeak, Marshall inspires us to remember to cherish each moment, each new memory.
there are no time machines
there is no way
to grab a clock by the hand
and walk backward
it all happens once
this happens once
we happen once
now happens once
but if I could
if I could convince time
to retrace its steps
tell it it forgot something back there
and it believe me
tell it that there was this girl
I should’ve treated better
that love is a better word
in my mouth these days
that there is a letter I wrote
and I hid it on a shelf between my pride
and lack of self confidence
I think I can find it and send it
if you let me
if could tell time
that there is a teacher I loved
and never said thank you
and a teacher I hated
and never said thank you
or I’m sorry
if I could tell time
that I’ve learned how to shadowbox
and that I got a few words for my fear
in the school yard
if I could trick time
into peeking over its shoulder
to see what a waste it was
to want everyone to like me
when all we ever have is a fistful of friends
like fingers to count on
after ten years pass
if I could tell time
that there was a class I cut
that I want to sew back together
that I want to bring a band aid
rubbing alcohol and my brain back to
that I could tape
I’d be there I’d show up
I could put it back together
I know I could put it back together
homework is a small price to pay
to make the grade
to make a home work
if I could tell time
I would make the grade
just come back with me
if I could tell time
about the audition I missed
because it was more important
to kick it with kids that didn’t have
the same ambition to live
as I did
if I could tell time
that there was a bully to stand up to
that there was a friend to stand up for
that there was a reason to stand tall
and I know my legs were strong enough
that I didn’t have to sit
if I could tell time
that I would raise my hand
not being afraid that everyone
would think I am smart
that I would raise my hand
not being afraid that everyone
would think I am dumb
if I could tell time
that there are broken pieces
i need to pick up
you know some shattered glass
and dropped promises
things that crack
when we don’t hold them tight enough
if I could tell time
how I don’t understand why it’s hands
don’t hold things tight enough
if I could tell time
if I could tell time
if I could tell time
but I can’t tell time
I can’t tell time anything
i can only look at the clock
read it’s face
to see what time has to tell me
so when I glance at my watch
I realize that this will only happen once
the we will only happen once
that now will only happen once
and for once I do my best to live full
because this may be the last chance
that I have
About the Coach

Marshall Davis Jones.
Marshall is a celebrated spoken word artist and the Founder of MindBodySpeak. His unique gift runs deep into the human experience, exploring universal themes from identity and culture to connection and technology. At Robin, Marshall works with young people to harness the power of their voice, their words and their movement to say what they mean and mean what they say.
Meet Marshall