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Let's Connect

Empower students with skills to connect and improve mental health.

Created by educators, Robin’s evidence-based lessons and digital resources require no teacher prep and are flexibly designed to be used in advisory, health or academic classes.


Plug-and-play curriculum tackles today’s challenges.

  • Created entirely by educators with decades of experience, Robin provides Tier 1 & 2 student support within a MTSS framework.
  • Students are inspired by a diverse group of expert coaches who teach skills through relevant storytelling and personal experience.
  • Flexibly designed with pull-out lessons, individual and group activities to implement in academic classes, advisory, health or with small group interventions.

Proven to strengthen belonging and well-being.

  • 37

    increase in healthy peer relationships

  • 22

    improvement in feeling connected at school

  • 17

    increase in self-confidence

Let's Connect

  • Spanish & English

  • Multi-Tiered System
    of Supports

  • Culturally responsive
    and trauma informed

  • Standards-aligned

Digital resources for today's challenges.

High school students begin by taking the Robin Connection Diagnostic Assessment©. Results inform a recommended action plan of interactive lessons and embedded resources that address relevant student challenges.

Students learn:

  • Coping skills to manage stress and anxiety
  • How to define success both in life and relationships
  • Conflict resolution and skills to navigate social challenges
  • How to contribute to collective well-being through empathy in action


Data-driven action plan for grades 6-8.

Middle school students start with Robin’s Connection Diagnostic Assessment©. Results inform a recommended action plan of lessons and embedded resources.

Students learn:

  • Strategies for understanding oneself and effective self-management
  • Techniques for overcoming adversity and building resilience
  • The importance of connection for mental well-being
  • Skills to navigate conflict and other relational challenges


Sequenced, interactive curriculum for K-5.

Our unique, interactive curriculum incorporates movement and art to teach our youngest students:

  • Tools for self-reflection and rational decision-making
  • Calming strategies for uncomfortable emotions
  • Positive social skills such as teamwork and empathy

Embedded assessments monitor skill development.

K-12 curriculum and digital resources align with state and national standards.

  • National Health Education Standards
  • CASEL Competencies
  • American School Counselor Association
  • Mindsets and Behaviors Common Core State Standards for ELA
  • Equity & Diversity Standards
  • 21st Century Skills

Evidence-Based Positive Mental Health Skills.

As part of a Multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), Robin uses a metacognitive approach teaching connection-based, positive mental health skills including:

  • Cognitive self-care practices
  • Social connection
  • Resilience
  • Self-efficacy
  • Optimism
  • Purpose

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